Oral Cavity & Esophagus

Question 1 - Single Best Answer

Identify the tissue:

A) thick skin
B) lip
C) esophagus
D) tongue
E) trachea

Question 2 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure surrounded by the dots:

A) salivary gland
B) Von Ebner's gland
C) sweat gland
D) mammary gland
E) mucous gland

Question 3 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) foliate papillae
B) circumvallate papillae
C) taste bud
D) filiform papillae
E) fungiform papillae

Question 4 - Single Best Answer

Identify the tissue:

A) Von Ebner's gland
B) parotid gland
C) sublingual gland
D) pancreas
E) submandibular gland

Question 5 - Single Best Answer

Identify the cell at the tip of the arrow:

A) smooth muscle cell
B) fibroblast
C) myoepithelial cell
D) duct cell
E) plasma cell

Question 6 - Single Best Answer

Identify the tissue:

A) tongue
B) lip
C) bronchus
D) thick skin
E) esophagus

Question 7 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) intercalated duct
B) adipocyte
C) excretory duct
D) striated duct
E) intralobular duct

Question 8 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure between the brackets:

A) fungiform papillae
B) filiform papillae
C) circumvallate papillae
D) foliate papillae
E) taste bud

Question 9 - Single Best Answer

Identify the tissue:

A) sublingual gland
B) pancreas
C) parotid gland
D) Von Ebner's gland
E) submandibular gland

Question 10 - Single Best Answer

Identify the cell at the tip of the arrow:

A) duct cell
B) fibroblast
C) smooth muscle cell
D) plasma cell
E) myoepithelial cell

Question 11 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) excretory duct
B) striated duct
C) intralobular duct
D) intercalated duct
E) adipocyte

Question 12 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) filiform papillae
B) foliate papillae
C) circumvallate papillae
D) taste bud
E) fungiform papillae

Question 13 - Single Best Answer

Identify the tissue:

A) pancreas
B) Von Ebner's gland
C) parotid gland
D) submandibular gland
E) sublingual gland

Question 14 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) striated duct
B) intercalated duct
C) excretory duct
D) intralobular duct
E) sweat duct

   Author: Wojciech Pawlina, M.D. / pawlina@anatomy.med.ufl.edu
  Version: Version 1.2 / Edited by Fab Jackson MSIV
 Location: http://www.medinfo.ufl.edu/year1/histo/mh15r.html
  Updated: 20 Noviembre, 1998
 UFLO: indice
 Laboratorio: Cavidad oral y Esófago.