Integument & Breast

Question 1 - Single Best Answer

Identify the layer at the tip of the arrow:

A) stratum spinosum
B) stratum lucidum
C) stratum basale
D) stratum granulosum
E) stratum corneum

Question 2 - Single Best Answer

Identify the tissue:

A) thyroid
B) prostate gland
C) mammary gland (proliferative)
D) mammary gland (inactive)
E) breast cancer

Question 3 - Single Best Answer

Identify the tissue at the tip of the arrow:

A) sebaceous gland
B) cerumenous gland
C) salivary gland
D) sweat gland
E) pancreas

Question 4 - Single Best Answer

Identify the cell at the tip of the arrow:

A) smooth muscle cell
B) myoid cell
C) endothelial cell
D) fibroblast
E) myoepithelial cell

Question 5 - Single Best Answer

Identify the cell at the tip of the arrow:

A) melanocyte
B) smooth muscle cell
C) keratinocyte
D) lymphocyte
E) keratinized cell

Question 6 - Single Best Answer

Identify the layer at the tip of the arrow:

A) stratum granulosum
B) stratum corneum
C) stratum spinosum
D) stratum basale
E) stratum lucidum

Question 7 - Single Best Answer

Identify the tissue:

A) sweat gland
B) mammary gland (inactive)
C) thyroid
D) sebaceous gland
E) mammary gland (proliferative)

Question 8 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) canal of Schlemm
B) Pacinian corpuscle
C) dermal papillae
D) Meissner's corpuscle
E) sweat gland

Question 9 - Single Best Answer

Identify the cell at the tip of the arrow:

A) keratinocyte
B) lymphocyte
C) melanocyte
D) keratinized cell
E) squamous cancer cell

Question 10 - Single Best Answer

Identify the layer at the tip of the arrow:

A) stratum lucidum
B) stratum granulosum
C) stratum spinosum
D) stratum corneum
E) stratum basale

Question 11 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) blood vessel
B) sweat gland
C) hair
D) sweat duct
E) Meissner's corpuscle

Question 12 - Single Best Answer

You are on the first day of your internship when the attending asks for your help since you have a more recent background in basic science. A patient just had a biopsy of her skin done in order to rule out skin cancer (aka melanoma). They want to know which stain is best for looking at collagen under the microscope. Choose among these:

A) hematoxalin and eosin
B) Masson trichrome method
C) Periodic acid Schiff(aka PAS)
D) Rexorcin-fuchsin

Question 13 - Single Best Answer

Melanomas are just one type of skin cancer. These cancers, however, are known to have the following characteristics when detected on a patient: an irregular border, pigment ranging in color from brown to red to black, and are thought to originate from melanocytes. Here are some gross photos of melanoma. Notice the range of colors( esp. brown and black), irregular borders, and the different depths of the lesions.


Question 14 - Single Best Answer

From where do melanocytes originate?

A) ectoderm
B) mesoderm
C) endoderm
D) neural crest

Question 15 - Single Best Answer

A 32 year old male presents to you, his family physician, because he has noticed a discharge from his left breast. He is embarrased and concerned because "these things just don't happen to men". On physical exam, you detect a nodule which is hard and fixed to the chest wall. It spans 3cm by 2 cm in volume. You are now suspecting cancer in your differential diagnosis. You decide to biopsy the mass. Which of the following photos makes you suspect breast cancer?


Question 16 - Single Best Answer

Identify the tissue:

A) breast cancer
B) mammary gland (inactive)
C) prostate gland
D) mammary gland (proliferative)
E) thyroid

   Author: Wojciech Pawlina, M.D. /
  Version: Version 1.2 / Edited by Fab Jackson MSIV
  Updated: 20 Noviembre, 1998
 UFLO: indice
 Laboratorio: Piel y Glándula mamaria.