Special Senses

Question 1 - Single Best Answer

Identify the tissue as indicated by dots:

A) organ of Corti
B) spiral ganglion
C) modiolus
D) spiral ligament
E) osseous spiral lamina

Question 2 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) basilar membrane
B) zonula fiber
C) Descemet's membrane
D) Bowman's membrane
E) vestibular membrane

Question 3 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) optic disc
B) choroid
C) pigmented epithelium
D) optic nerve
E) neural retina

Question 4 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure surrounding the arrow:

A) sclera
B) scala tympani
C) stria vascularis
D) scala vestibuli
E) scala media

Question 5 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) ciliary body
B) choroid
C) sclera
D) zonula fiber
E) vitreous body

Question 6 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) corneal endothelium
B) lens capsule
C) Descemet's membrane
D) corneal epithelium
E) Bowman's membrane

Question 7 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) vestibular membrane
B) zonula fiber
C) Descemet's membrane
D) basilar membrane
E) Bowman's membrane

Question 8 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) trabecular vein
B) Volkmann's canal
C) canal of Schlemm
D) central artery
E) Haversian canal

Question 9 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) stria vascularis
B) scala vestibuli
C) scala tympani
D) stria terminalis
E) scala media

Question 10 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure at the tip of the arrow:

A) corneal endothelium
B) lens epithelium
C) lens fibers
D) corneal epithelium
E) lens capsule

Question 11 - Single Best Answer

An 75 year old Black female comes to you, her ophthalmologist, complaining that she is "not able to see" and her "glasses just don't work as they used to". During the fundoscopic exam, you give up because you cannot find the vessels. An opaque mass is in the way. You explain to your patient that her glasses will not help her vision because she has bilateral cataracts(opacity of the optical lens that occurs with aging or may present in early childhood as a result of abnormal sugar metabolism). What are two characteristics that allow the lens to be transparent?

A) low water content and avascularity
B) membranous labyrinth and vestibule
C) canal of Schlemm and high water content
D) avascularity and choroid

Question 12 - Single Best Answer

Your next patient presents with a small, tender, erythematous(red) lesion on the eyelid. This is known as a sty, which is acute inflammation of the glands found in the eyelid because of clogged ducts. Meibomian glands are the usual culprit. What do they usually secrete and why?

A) oil to lubricate the anterior aspect of the cornea
B) aqueous humor to lubricate anterior aspect of the cornea
C) oil to prevent evaportation of tears
D) collagen for the vitreous humor

Question 13 - Single Best Answer

Patients with disorders such as diabetes mellitus(high blood glucose) and hypertension(high blood pressure) have changes in the blood vessels found in the fundus. In which structure are they found?

A) sclera
B) choroid
C) retinal pigment epithelium
D) Descement's membrane

   Author: Wojciech Pawlina, M.D. / pawlina@anatomy.med.ufl.edu
  Version: Version 1.2 / Edited by Fab Jackson MSIV
 Location: http://www.medinfo.ufl.edu/year1/histo/mh13r.html
  Updated: 20 Noviembre, 1998
 UFLO: indice
 Laboratorio: Sentidos especiales.