Respiratory System

Question 1 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure surrounding the arrow:

A) adipocyte
B) thyroid follicle
C) alveolus
D) mucous acinus
E) lymphatic capillary

Question 2 - Single Best Answer

Identify the cell at the tip of the arrow:

A) endothelial cell
B) type II pneumocyte
C) smooth muscle cell
D) type I pneumocyte
E) dust cell (alveolar macrophage)

Question 3 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure:

A) esophagus
B) trachea
C) bronchus
D) bronchiole

Question 4 - Single Best Answer

Identify the cell at the tip of the arrow:

A) basal cell
B) clara cell
C) ciliated columnar cell
D) goblet cell
E) dust cell

Question 5 - Single Best Answer

Identify the cell at the tip of the arrow:

A) endothelial cell
B) type II pneumocyte
C) type I pneumocyte
D) smooth muscle cell
E) dust cell

Question 6 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure:

A) bronchiole
B) bronchus
C) pulmonary artery
D) pulmonary vein
E) trachea

Question 7 - Single Best Answer

This slide comes from a patient who had emphysema and heart failure. Identify the cell and its contents at the tip of the arrow:

A) type II pneumocyte; surfactant
B) dust cell; anthracoid pigment
C) clara cell; surfactant
D) dust cell; hemosiderin
E) neutrophil; azurophilic granules

Question 8 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure:

A) bronchiole
B) pulmonary vein
C) pulmonary artery
D) trachea
E) bronchus

Question 9 - Single Best Answer

Identify the cell at the tip of the arrow:

A) clara cell
B) type II pneumocyte
C) smooth muscle cell
D) dust cell
E) ciliated clumnar cell

Question 10 - Single Best Answer

Identify the structure:

A) bronchus
B) trachea
C) pulmonary artery
D) bronchiole
E) pulmonary vein

Question 11 - Single Best Answer

Identify the cell at the tip of the arrow:

A) goblet cell
B) basal cell
C) lymphocyte
D) dust cell
E) clara cell

Question 12 - Single Best Answer

Identify the cell at the tip of the arrow:

A) smooth muscle cell
B) dust cell
C) type I pneumocyte
D) endothelial cell
E) type II pneumocyte

Question 13 - Single Best Answer

A 12 year old white male presents with a history of wheezing and a cough. He also has diarrhea. Several other family members have had the same symptoms at one time or another. On physical exam, he has wheezing, clubbing of the fingers and toes(this is found in patients who have chronic lung disease), and nasal polyps. Because of his family history, cystic fibrosis is suspected. It is an autosomal recessive disease in which there is thick, copious secretions with increased amount of chloride ion. A sweat test is done. The chloride is 200 mEq/L(normal is <60 mEq/ L). Which structure would help to clear mucous from the airway?

A) goblet cell
B) cilia
C) dust cell
D) type II pneumocyte

Question 14 - Single Best Answer

Cultures of his sputum grew Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa(bacteria). These microorganisms are usually found in the lungs of these patients. They cause inflammation of the lungs(pneumonia). Which item plays a direct role in the prevention of alveolar collapse?

A) surfactant
B) mucous
C) good air movement in the lungs
D) eating "Wheaties"

Question 15 - Single Best Answer

Asthmatics also wheeze. It is a phenomenon that occurs when the size of the airway decreases. With the patient above, mucous plugs are the cause. In asthmatics, there is smooth muscle contraction that decreases airway size along with inflammation/mucous. Which of the following is least likely to be affected during an asthmatic attack?

A) bronchi
B) bronchiole
C) alveoli

Question 16 - Single Best Answer

Emphysema is a lung disease which tends to occur after many years of smoking cigarettes. It is manifested as shortness of breath because the lung parenchyma is destroyed and therefore there are changes in alveolar volume. Which depicts emphysema?


   Author: Wojciech Pawlina, M.D. /
  Version: Version 1.2 / Edited by Fab Jackson MSIV
  Updated: 20 Noviembre, 1998
 UFLO: indice
 Laboratorio: Respiratorio.