The Internet

Pathology Laboratory


Medical Education

This electronic laboratory includes over 1800 images along with text and tutorials that demonstrate gross and microscopic pathologic findings associated with human disease states.

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WebPath CD-ROM:

With over 2300 images, over 2300 examination questions (including many extended matching questions), 27 case-based laboratory exercises, and 32 tutorials.

Version 2.0 of the WebPath CD-ROM is now available!! Click here for details.

The major resource categories in WebPath are:

Continuing Medical Education:These online CME exercises are available for credit through the CME office at the University of Utah
General Pathology:Basic mechanisms of disease are illustrated in subject areas with images and text descriptions
Organ System Pathology:Each organ system is presented individually with site-specific images and text descriptions
Laboratory Exercises:Case-based problems in general pathology and organ system pathology subject areas are presented
Examinations:Over 1500 questions utilizing JavaScript programming and Frames (requires Netscape 2.0 or higher)
Mini-tutorials: Information about a variety of specific subject areas is illustrated with images and text descriptions
Clinical Pathology:Clinical laboratory medicine images in several disciplines have text descriptions
Histopathology:Diagnostic techniques and procedures are described and illustrated with images and text and tutorials
Utah Landscapes:These images illustrate the wide variety of places to visit in the state of Utah

WebPath Faculty

Go to a listing of the faculty contributors to WebPath.

The WebPath Resource Collection

These images with text and tutorials are an on-line electronic course in pathology to assist students in the health sciences learning about the pathologic basis of disease and provide continuing education to health care workers wanting to obtain more knowledge about disease processes and develop diagnostic skills. The images, text, and examination questions cover all subject areas on the Pathology section of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Part I.

Go to a description of the Webpath site

Many of the images seen here have been obtained from autopsy and cannot be obtained except through autopsy. The autopsy has been a vital part of medicine for over 300 years. An autopsy allows someone who has died to benefit other persons still alive or in the future. This is accomplished through the contributions of autopsy to: (1) improve the quality of medical diagnosis and therapy, (2) support research into new methods of diagnosis and treatment, (3) determine if there are diseases that may affect other family members, (4) help epidemiological studies by providing accurate statistical information about causes of death and about disease processes present, and to (5) support medical education. Additional images have also been obtained from surgical pathology specimens, cytopathology slides, and clinical laboratory specimens.


Thank you for visiting our laboratory's home page. We hope that you find the archived images useful for medical teaching at your institution. WebPath has been created by Edward C. Klatt, MD. Assistance has been provided by Mark Anderson, Raechel Jefferies, Karen Libsch, Carolyn Osterman, Dan Parker, Sean Parker, and Ryan Reid.

If you have comments concerning this WWW service, you may send e-mail to the following address:

Go to the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library home page.

This page, and all contents including images, are Copyright © 1994-1996, 1997 by Edward C. Klatt MD, University of Utah Health Sciences Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, and by designated contributors. All rights reserved.

The WebPath pages have been prepared by Edward C. Klatt MD, Ryan Reid, and Sharon E. Dennis