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Anatomía: | Este Tutorial presenta cortes segmentarios transversales del cuerpo humano con apuntador para una mejor identificación de los diferentes estructuras que lo conforman
| Este Tutorial presenta cortes segmentarios de TAC, RMI y 2 de Rx, análogos a los macros Anatómicos anteriores, con apuntador para mejor identificación de la estructuras
| Histotechniques:
| This tutorial describes and illustrates the processes involved in making a microscopic glass slide from tissues examined in the pathology laboratory
| Microscopy:
| This tutorial describes various methods for viewing tissues, cells, fluids, and other materials through the use of microscopes
| Special Stains: | This tutorial describes the nature and usages of a variety of histopathological staining techniques to assist in tissue diagnosis, along with representative images of selected stains
| Neuroanatomy:
| This interactive tutorial demonstrates neuroanatomical features of the CNS using clickable image maps with javascript programming, so a web browser equivalent to Netscape 2.0 or higher is required
| Procedure Manuals: | Manuals for preparation and performance of routine and special stains, and manuals for laboratory safety, are available in Acrobat pdf format
| Electron Microscopy: | A set of electron micrographs demonstrates normal, benign, and malignant pathologic findings as seen by use of electron microscopy
Immunoperoxidase: | A tutorial with images demonstrates the methodology with a variety of pathologic findings as seen by use of a variety of antibodies with the immunoperoxidase technique
| Normal Histology: | A set of images demonstrates the normal histologic appearances of a variety of tissues from the human body
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